Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Life, was much like a song

Life, was much like a song - Steve

Seventeen-year-old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside down when her parents divorced and her father moved to Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains alienated from her parents, particularly her father... until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she and her brother spent the summer with him. Resentful and rebellious, Ronnie rejects her father's attempts to reach out to her and threatens to return to New York before summer's end. But soon Ronnie meets Will, the last person she thought she'd ever be attracted to, and finds herself falling for him, opening herself up to the greatest happiness-and pain- that she has ever known.

The Last Song

When you read the summary, you will think that this is going to be another teenagers summer romance story.

When Summer ends, the romance ends right?

But your wrong. When I first started to read it, I keep doing the imaginations of the movie.
And whenever I read about Ronnie in the first few chapter, she was like Lindsey Lohan. Girl in trouble. Parents divorced.

I love how Nicholas Spark made surprises. It has... something like a heartbroken book.

First you thought your dad had affair and didn't come home for almost 3 years and that you didn't know the real truth. Then, you stop playing the piano because it reminds your dad and the next you know you have to spend your whole Summer with him, not knowing about his health. And when you're finally 18, you spend the whole month being by his side for the very last time.

And finally before you knew it, you finished his song and played the piano -for the first time in 3 years- for him until a few weeks he died.

That was the last story in the Summer.
The starting and middle of Summer was already in the summary.
I'm surprise to find that the dad was the cause of tearing falls down our cheek, not the boyfriend.

Funny it seems, since it's a modern world, Nicholas added modern tech words in the book.

"She's pretty," Ronnie commented.
"Yeah, she is." - Will
"Ten bucks says you posted this on your Facebook page."

Shed' probably end up addicted to cartoons like Jonah and insist on watching them upside down.
No, scartch that. She'd probably end up addicted to Game Boy.
Or maybe Guitar Hero.

You should get ready for the tissue box at the end of Summer in the book.
The end was awesome. I figures he would come back her.
And of course she went back to the piano.

It was a satisfying book. Even though the heartbreak was the father.

Characters: Steve Miller, Ronnie, Johan Miller, Kim Miller, Will Blakelee, Scott, Galadriel (Blaze), Marcus, The Blakelees, Pastor Harris and etc.
Author: Nicholas Spark
Page: 390
Length of reading: 3 days

Here's the cover. Order now!

(taken from Amazon.com)

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