Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It's been 2 months I haven't post anything at all over here.

Sorry to do that. Have fancy holiday with my family and school just started so I can't hang on the internet for too long.

Recently, I've made a few hard decisions. It's always gotta do with my love life, no matter where I am or log on a website, it hurts me so much.

Today, I log on the Facebook and was delighted to see all my friends are in a relationship. I congras them.

Then I realise what I've done is totally wrong. Right from the start I was in some kind of tug-a-war.

Even I want to release it but I couldn't, I have no choice, no time to think, no time to made a move.

So I let it be. I let it be and release the one who I haven't got the chance to be together.

I release both of them. I release everything that could be mine.

From the very start of the year 2010, I told myself, whenever in which situation I'm in, where it is bad or good, I shall be patient. I'm not the person who gets angry easy, and when I am very angry I don't show it.

I don't always share my feelings to anyone I know of. I keep it to myself. That's how I'm always silence and do nothing at all to make my fancy world into a reality. And so I release them.

Releasing them doesn't make me stop my feelings. I may have not starting to like them but now it shows how hurt I am to know what mistake I've done so far.

I'm hurt and so I shall be for the rest of the years to come. I'm releasing you for your own good.

And so I shall be hurt in this heart of mine, silently. Although I am not closing this chapter to make a new cover.

I'll pray for you and yours. Good luck on everything you're doing and make the right choice.

Hmmm, this shall means something. I shall be lonely again. Looks like I've lost my strength.
